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Top 7 Beauty benefits of water

 Beauty benefits of water:

1. Diminishes wrinkles: Drinking more water restore elasticity of your skin and therefore it helps in reducing wrinkles and even prevents new wrinkles from occurring.

2. Drinking enough water preserves the skin hydrated from the inside and out, which results into preventing dry and chipped skin. Thus eventually it keeps your skin radiant, even toned and supple.

3. Quick shedding of fat causes sagging skin. By drinking more water you can tighten your skin just in few weeks.

4. It helps in maintaining pH balance of your skin, which means a healthy skin

5. Consuming more water helps in flushing out toxins from your system. If the toxins present in your body is the cause for your acne break out then it will certainly help in curing your acne by drinking more water.

6. Drinking more water lessens dehydration and therefore helps in reducing the dark circles and bloodshot eyes. It will also give you sparkly and clearer eyes.

7. It also helps in losing extra weight. The reason for this is that by drinking enough water you improves your metabolism leading to improved digestion.

So start drinking 8 to 10 glasses of water every day from today itself to look beautiful and thinner.


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