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Showing posts from May, 2017

Some of my thoughts on boudoir Part #2

 This is a blog a long time coming, why do I do what I do? What makes a conservative Christian women gush over boudoir... like I was selling on social media marketing?! (lol)  Come on take a joke! :) This is my perspective on boudoir and why EVERY women SHOULD do a session! Whether you believe it or not I truly believe that every women is beautiful, she may not have the make up and hair artist everyday, along with stylist, poise instructors. You know it used to be that we were confronted of images of beautiful women in the check out lines, as we stood there with our hair a disaster, old sweat pants and maybe wearing some dollar store make up (if it had been a good month) looking over our shopping and wondering if we have over spent... mean while these "gorgeous" models are there also look stunning and lovely  judging me as I grab a candy bar. But now a days we end up with images on our social media, commercials, TV of beautiful women young and still have their "hea

My thoughts on boudoir part #1

A few years ago, my light was very dim. It was almost put out. Then I met you, you added some oil to my light and it began to grow. On its own it was small and insignificant. Along came more friends with lights as small and lowly as mine. I didn't have much light to give but I shared it any way... I wanted to feed the light that I saw they had. I feared by giving away some of my light it would begin to fade.  The strangest thing began to happen my light was stronger... and then more small candles began to burn around me. I was able to share my light with all of them and all of our lights began to glow! We are coming a beacon and a strong steady glow now.

Erin Bridal Boudoir

  The mixture of innocence and naughtiness of bridal boudoir creates a tantalizing experience for your groom on your wedding day. Imagine his anticipation through out the day, and you know  whole day he is thinking of those amazingly stunning images he was handed just that morning....