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Showing posts from June, 2018

Dear Husbands and Boy friends....

Dear men in our lives,     Thank you for loving us, thank you for understanding when we are insecure and upset for what seems like no reason or because we are overwhelmed. Thank you for understanding that I want to do this session, a boudoir session for me. You may not understand right now why I want to do this, you may worry that I have a side dish... I don't, this is part of me growing and understanding me, myself. See I used to be a thinner/ younger/ "prettier" version of myself... but I wasn't confident then. Even though I can look at photos of myself "back then" and wish that I had understood how amazing I was then. See, what I don't realize is that when I do this photo session with Jessica, I am going to realize that right now I am still amazing. Yes, you always tell me how hot I am, but let me tell you I don't feel amazing. I feel tired, bloated and overwhelmed most day. I have those times when I feel great, yes. But being a mom and wat