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Boudoir Planning Guide

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Capturing Love

Capturing Love  Today like many days I am unpacking my shipment of client products. I open  up everything and make sure it is correct and there are no mistakes and everything is accounted for. Today for some reason, maybe it is the coming back after a long break, I opened up a box, opened up a book and the first image, took my breath ... the image I had taken, the image I had edited and have seen many times . It took my breath , it hit me right in the chest, and I messaged my friends and I told them I wish I could tell everyone how this makes me feel. How I FEEL when I opened up a book and saw the love she had for her husband, I saw the 25 years of marriage being celebrated. It hit me, I felt it, being able to capture the intimate love we have for our partner, the love we should have for ourselves is really what I am striving for with boudoir.  I need for the viewer to feel something when they look at her images. When you give a gift of boudoir images you are giving a book of yo

"When I'm ready... I'll do a shoot"

Kim.... if you wait until "your ready" you will never be ready.  Learning to love and accept ourselves is not always easy... we as women focus so much on our perceived flaws. There is no one way to look or dress to be beautiful!  Kim and I have had two sessions and I really hope you take the time to watch her video I posted in my group!  <!-- Google Tag Manager --> <script>(function(w,d,s,l,i){w[l]=w[l]||[];w[l].push({'gtm.start': new Date().getTime(),event:'gtm.js'});var f=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0], j=d.createElement(s),dl=l!='dataLayer'?'&l='+l:'';j.async=true;j.src= ''+i+dl;f.parentNode.insertBefore(j,f); })(window,document,'script','dataLayer','GTM-53M7FWV');</script> <!-- End Google Tag Manager -->

Behind the scenes of our ICONIC Bath tub session

We all love beautiful images of, we day dream of what it would be like to have images of ourselves like that! While I love to inspire women, this post is to demystify some of my sessions!! Many women say they would love to have a milk bath session, BUT they don't have a fancy beautiful tub! So!!!! I am sharing the behind the scenes of this amazing shoot with you!! Check out this REGULAR tub, no fancy bathroom needed!!!  In  this image you can see my feet while I am STANDING on the sides of the tub!! A little imagination and a little bit of editing and any bathroom can be an amazing milk bath session!!! In the privacy of YOUR home!

Why nude?

Why NUDE?! Is it to shock, is it to be explicit and to get attention?    Or is it because the curve of the back and the dimples in the lower back are graceful and lovely.... Because the dip of the waist, is enhanced by the smooth contour of the hips.... and enhanced by the soft, sensuality of the curve of the exposed breast.... The curves and the twist of a women's body...   The confidence in the acceptance of ourselves as they are!  W hen we are nude we have nothing but ourselves to see, nothing but our skin to love and... that is when we are the most vulnerable. When we can accept ourselves, love ourselves as we are everything else has new meaning.