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Showing posts from January, 2018

First Video post!

The Cheeky Boutique is hosting a 50 shades of Awareness Feb. 3rd. I personally am "Vanilla" but can't wait to attend! Find out more by clicking the link below!  50 shades of awareness information Tyler and Sam Couples sessions are personal and intimate. Capturing the images representative of the passion between the couple is so amazing.  Imagine a DVD you and your partner to watch or beautiful images on your wall of your room. My favorite is a beautiful album of images of you and your partner. Please enjoy this video of Sam and Tyler, who have been so amazingly kind to share their session with all of us so others can feel comfortable and inspired to have their own session. 

My Mammogram story

Congratulations your 40!  If you don't have a reason before, when you turn 40 it will be your first mammogram. I am not going to say I wasn't anxious.  Is it going to hurt, be uncomfortable. Will I have a women? What if its a dude!!!??? The worst fear is what IF they find something. I really had no reason to think there would be something wrong, but as you sit there you think.... it could happen. It has happened. We all have the story of the friend, family member or someone in the community who has battled breast cancer.   Fill out some very basic paperwork, and wait..... The day you go in they ask you to not wear lotions, powders or deodorant. So you go to your room and wait for your turn. Deodorant wipes and stylish gown await you :) Put it on and take obligatory #mammogram shot for Instagram lol And here she is! The squish! Yep your breast is placed under the clear plastic tray, pressure is applied you hold your breath and the image is taken. The tr

I am living for this!

I live for the women realizing their worth demanding the respect they deserve and cutting off anything that brings negativity into their lives. We boast about living bold, being authentic. I am not a bold women, I am a humble and timid, realizing your self worth isn't about posting tons of photos online for everyone to see. This isn't about the public, this is about you and feeling free to be who you are. When you get to a level of self actualization their isn't judgment, no one has an opinion... at least not one you hear or even can consider part of your decision making process. I spent a good 20 years of my life worrying and wondering what someone would say if I did x,y or z. I can honestly say I don't remember the last time I worried about what some one was thinking. I have just gotten to a place in my life where what some one is saying or what some one thinks of me just doesn't matter. I don't suffer with guilt, I don't worry about opinions. I li

One step towards a new you!

Maslow's Hierarchy of needs... what does this have to do with boudoir? Well you guys are all the time reading how I talk about self acceptance, but how to get there isn't really something I have talked about. There are actual steps you can take to begin your journey on how to learn to accept your self. If you haven't heard of Maslow's hierarchy of needs this may be amazing to you it is a simple theory that is actuality is the road path to happiness and joy! Are you ready? Our first and most basic need is food, water, warmth and rest. Easy enough to understand, with out those our bodies shut down. The second is safety and to be secure. Again, a concept that is easy to comprehend. If you were in the wilderness stranded the first thing you do is find water, then make a fire and build a shelter. The third level is to belong and to feel loved, well even if you are in the woods for a long time with food water and shelter eventually you will begin to long for a compani

My five children and my boudoir work!!!

I am a mother of 5! My daughter just turned 18 and I have 4 boys! Some of you make cringe at the thought of even letting your children know you came in for a session let alone.... letting them see ANY of the images. That is your decision completely and honestly I wouldn't show my children my images these are private, but not embarrassing or wrong. What if I told you that I don't hide my work from my children, what if I told you that I am working to normalize the female form to them. So it isn't mysterious, weird, shameful or forbidden? Do I show it to them? NO... But I don't freak out and slam shut my laptop when them are around either. That would imply that is wrong or shameful, and it just isn't. It is beautiful confidence building and honestly life changing. I am sure you guys have lots of questions... and I can't go into tons of details about each situation but the general "rule" I have is if it is a model for publication I am already shooting

All ages and all shapes.... beautiful

Valentine's day UGH if you are like me it is a struggle. Like REALLY, what do you get a guy for Valentine's day! I have done the sweet message cookies, I have done cigars, fancy dinners, roll reversal and sent flowers but all of it just seems.... odd, am I right? It is hard to show the guys we can about them. The marketing of this holiday is very directed towards what to do for the lady. The guys buy flowers, $50 or dinner and chocolates $150 what if he gets you jewelry, well that starts at $100 and only goes up from there. What do we do, give them a card? As a women I don't feel right when my husband spoils me and what can I do, cook him dinner... he always insists on taking me out. Even cooking dinner I do that already. The mass marketers have really left us to fend for ourselves.... but isn't the best gift one that builds up the relationship? Showing him you desire him as he desires you. Show him you are confident in your love and WANT to sh