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Showing posts from June, 2016

Oh Sabrina and her amazing curves!

Model Call

Please check out my website Send me a message on the contact me page You can also my profile on Model Mayham my MM# is 3946941

Sex or empowerment

Boudoir Photography is about empowerment, about seeing yourself as beautiful as you are... allowing your self to be the vixen you are but can't show everyday. Every woman, that I have had the pleasure of working with feels apprehensive when they get to my studio, when the session is over they feel more confident and a more positive about themselves with out seeing ONE finished image... it is the experience not the images that empowers them. The images are a reminder to you long after the session of the feelings created that day and continue to empower you for months and years to come. Empower yourself, feel beautiful and realize your beauty!  (click for more images)

Seriously Hot Photos!!!

You are never too old to feel beautiful and proud of yourself.  

Carpe Diem

Seize the day....  Live, love, do, enjoy, rejoice and praise. You always hear everyone talking about live for the moment, while that sounds bold and exciting lets be real not all of us are rock climbing or sky diving but it could be just have a cup of coffee with a friend instead of making sure your laundry is put away, going to the playground with the little ones instead of scrubbing the toilets, make a casserole while the kids are in school so you can talk them on a walk after school instead of cooking. Recently I had a big distraction, I kept putting off visiting someone until I had a small professional mishap taken care of.  Timeline: Last Monday I really finished up that problem ,Wednesday I had another meeting sorting out a few more issues. Wednesday night I messaged my client/ friend who had not been well, asked her for her address. There was no reply. See, I have all these amazing Irises blooming at my home and wanted to cut a big bunch of them and bring them to her, visit an