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One step towards a new you!

Maslow's Hierarchy of needs... what does this have to do with boudoir?

Well you guys are all the time reading how I talk about self acceptance, but how to get there isn't really something I have talked about. There are actual steps you can take to begin your journey on how to learn to accept your self. If you haven't heard of Maslow's hierarchy of needs this may be amazing to you it is a simple theory that is actuality is the road path to happiness and joy! Are you ready?

Our first and most basic need is food, water, warmth and rest. Easy enough to understand, with out those our bodies shut down.

The second is safety and to be secure. Again, a concept that is easy to comprehend. If you were in the wilderness stranded the first thing you do is find water, then make a fire and build a shelter.

The third level is to belong and to feel loved, well even if you are in the woods for a long time with food water and shelter eventually you will begin to long for a companion and a volley ball named Wilson probably won't cut it.  (My age just showed if you don't get the Tom Hanks reference, sorry, google it, lol)

(I feel to many of us bounce in between these two levels)

The fourth level is esteem. This is where we learn to be proud of ourselves and our accomplishment. When we get to this point we are in a healthy mind set about ourselves. This is refer to as having a High self esteem, which is NOT a negative. It isn't being full of yourself. This level is about acknowledging your strengths and feeling confident in your abilities.

The final level is Self Actualization. At this level you begin to operate at your highest potential. Growing as a person to this level is a marathon and comes with lots of self examination. You are not with out flaws, you just are not defined by them.  It also is about those who learn for the love of learning, those give or do with no other reason that to give, with no hopes of pats on the back. Those who create art for the sake of creating it rather than to display it. When we know the project is greater than ourselves.

Why as a boudoir photographer am I writing about this? I am always talking about self acceptance but we aren't all to the point but there are steps we can take to bring ourselves there. One of the tools I  found to help is doing one thing that help us feel better about ourselves. Such as a series of images that shows us at our best, we all know what a bad image can do to your day! Ugh, when you see that photo that gives you a double chin or the shirt that makes you look thick. As a trained (lots of time and lots of classes) professional and a women I am not just confident that the images I take of you are not just flattering but many times have completely changed women's lives.

Stop deprecating talk and actions, negative friends and family add to that little voice inside of us that is already telling you your not enough. I am telling you its a lie, you are created beautiful and you are to shine! I hope you feel motivated to come in and chat If this has helped you in anyway PLEASE message me! I would love to help you take the next step in being the best you, you can be!


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