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All ages and all shapes.... beautiful

Valentine's day

UGH if you are like me it is a struggle. Like REALLY, what do you get a guy for Valentine's day!

I have done the sweet message cookies, I have done cigars, fancy dinners, roll reversal and sent flowers but all of it just seems.... odd, am I right?

It is hard to show the guys we can about them. The marketing of this holiday is very directed towards what to do for the lady. The guys buy flowers, $50 or dinner and chocolates $150 what if he gets you jewelry, well that starts at $100 and only goes up from there. What do we do, give them a card? As a women I don't feel right when my husband spoils me and what can I do, cook him dinner... he always insists on taking me out. Even cooking dinner I do that already. The mass marketers have really left us to fend for ourselves.... but isn't the best gift one that builds up the relationship? Showing him you desire him as he desires you. Show him you are confident in your love and WANT to show him you love him and enjoy him. 

What about a gift that makes you feel as good doing it as it does for him to receive. I know I am always talking about self acceptance and how a boudoir session can help with how we see ourselves. I am such a believer in this process. I truly believe we are all created beautiful and there is a beautiful women inside of us.

So this year for Valentine's day I challenge you to show him the beautiful, confident women you are inside. I want you to give yourself permission to love and accept you as you are, and that the women he is with loves and needs him everyday!

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