Congratulations your 40!
If you don't have a reason before, when you turn 40 it will be your first mammogram. I am not going to say I wasn't anxious.
Is it going to hurt, be uncomfortable. Will I have a women? What if its a dude!!!??? The worst fear is what IF they find something. I really had no reason to think there would be something wrong, but as you sit there you think.... it could happen. It has happened. We all have the story of the friend, family member or someone in the community who has battled breast cancer.

The day you go in they ask you to not wear lotions, powders or deodorant. So you go to your room and wait for your turn. Deodorant wipes and stylish gown await you :)

Put it on and take obligatory #mammogram shot for Instagram lol
And here she is! The squish! Yep your breast is placed under the clear plastic tray, pressure is applied you hold your breath and the image is taken. The tray releases pressure and you are adjusted, more images are taken on both breast and it is painless. I have to say I almost put it off. I have heard they smash your breast and it is painful and cold etc.
The only part that was slightly "odd" was the stickers placed on your nipples by the lady doing it. I wasn't uncomfortable and the tech had been doing for almost as many years as I have been out of HS! She was kind and easy going. The reason I wanted to share this with you guys is that I don't want you to put it off, there really is nothing to be scared of. The process takes only a few minutes and the techs are professional.
As I was adjusted in the machine, a sweet wonderful lady I met a few years back came to my mind. She battled breast cancer and the second round was to much for her. She is yet another reason I wanted to share my mammogram with you. Don't wait, don't let your fear of the test or the fear of the unknown stop you.

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