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My five children and my boudoir work!!!

I am a mother of 5! My daughter just turned 18 and I have 4 boys! Some of you make cringe at the thought of even letting your children know you came in for a session let alone.... letting them see ANY of the images. That is your decision completely and honestly I wouldn't show my children my images these are private, but not embarrassing or wrong.

What if I told you that I don't hide my work from my children, what if I told you that I am working to normalize the female form to them. So it isn't mysterious, weird, shameful or forbidden? Do I show it to them? NO... But I don't freak out and slam shut my laptop when them are around either. That would imply that is wrong or shameful, and it just isn't. It is beautiful confidence building and honestly life changing.

I am sure you guys have lots of questions... and I can't go into tons of details about each situation but the general "rule" I have is if it is a model for publication I am already shooting it in a way that has to be PG to G anyways. Private clients images are edited when I am editing in the afternoon when everyone is in school.

OK back to my WHY!? Unfortunately there are to many images of women taken in ways that do not embraces her but more about how she makes the viewer feel (porn/ erotica). I never approach a session trying to titillate the viewer. My focus is on the female herself not the viewer. She is posed in attractive flattering ways that shows her beautiful womanly form. We spend enough time telling ourselves what is wrong with us and even ads do that too. Now that the holidays are over I bet you feel tired, bloated, dull skin.... then we think oh yes, yes I do... and we worry that we look bloated. What I want to say is stop with looking for what is wrong and see all that is right.

I am a mother, I am a women, and I am attractive. I have flaws and I am ok with them, they don't define me. I want my son's to find a loving confident girl when they are men who isn't so needy and clingy... How do we teach them to do that, by being that! BE the confident women who isn't always look fishing for a compliment. I want them to spot a clingy chick and run!! I only want them dating women who are as accomplished as they are (or more) I want them to have healthy relationships. Which begins by me... it begins with me being confident, their sister be strong and confident. When she starts dating a boy I tell him congratulations, you now have a job... part of the job of dating my daughter is being a role model for her brothers. How you treat her, how you interact with her and them teaches them who they will be when they are dating when they grown up.

It all matters in my home, from how I interact with them about my images, my relationship with my husband, their sisters dating atmosphere it all set a standard for them.

Now if my son's see images of a woman that shows she is accepting of herself telling the world I am ok with me, and I am not asking for your input. That is a lesson I am happy to teach my sons.

I hope this helps you see boudoir how we as a family see my boudoir work. Not shameful or embarrassing just beautiful and accepting.

teach them that this images is because she is brave and confident enough to show other women they can be too and encourage other women to do the same. (That is why I have models come in)


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