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Transformation Tuesday Give away

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comment below on why you would want to win.

What you win is a transformation session and a digital images of your before and after.  



  1. I want to win because I've lost a lot of weight and I'd love to be able to show off some of my success

  2. I love this! Both my daughter and niece have had this done. You are a very talented artist. I'm interested I having it done, but alittle afraid at the same time. I see your young models and would live to see my generation. Those of us in our sixties.

    1. Thank you and you are entered into the transformation give away! I have had several women in the age range you mention, but they don't always want their images released :)

    2. I think my Aunt Bonnie 54 and my mom (her sister) should do this together!

  3. This is just a stunning photo, Jenny is my cousin and is a beautiful woman in person but also in her character and in her strength with the farm work she does. What an awesome treat for her to have a day for herself to be pampered and look beautiful on the outside to match her inner beauty we all see anyways.Thanks for doing an amazing job.Erin is my cousin too and she looks great also!! I would love winning to show my almost 40 year face and body that I still got it goin on too, despite the hard work and sad challenges in my life! Down 20 lbs helps too!

    1. Thank you and you are entering into the transformation give away!

  4. I would love to win!!! I have been wanting to get pictures done for my husband. I loved Erin's pictures. I've been trying to lose weight and have lost a little, but am still trying and I would love pics to show it.

  5. After having my almost three year old I lost 90 pounds. I now have an almost seven month old too and I'm trying to lose the baby weight all over's so hard to feel beautiful these days when I'm heavier than I want to be, I never get a good night's sleep and I don't have time or energy to primp to try to look my best. Something like this could make a world of difference!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. The above post is mine....idk why it posted me as unknown lol

  8. I want to win bc I'm a mommy of 4 & never ever get to do anything for myself. It's always kids first.


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