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An investment in yourself~ embarrasing photo of myself included

Wives and mothers we give and give and give...

 How many of you are wearing clothes that are either second hand or are more than a few years old? 

 I know I do, not because we can't afford to buy new stuff but that we just don't invest in ourselves. If you are like me stay at home mom and self employed, then the "need" for work clothes doesn't even exist! So we buy things for our kids or treat our self to a "special" coffee and "treats".

 We feel tired and unattractive, not that we want to look good to attract someone else but every woman want to be pretty invest in a day for yourself. The long term reward of feeling good about our self will not only benefit your self but your family will feel your joy. When we feel good about our self, it is infectious we spread our joy to our family and those around us. Invest in you! One mom who recently got her photos taken shared the photos with her family and her son said "Wow, my mom is hot" as cute of a story that is, lets think about how this little man felt, he was proud that was his mom, she is beautiful and he knew it and was excited that he had the "Hot Momma" ;)

This is me, ignore the laundry on the table, I don't always take care of myself either... So from time to time a take a few pics of myself. It is really nice to feel pretty.


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