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Self care is self love

I posed a question earlier in the week.... "What do you do for self care?" an alarming number of women do NOTHING for themselves! We work, take care of our families, our clients (trying to write this blog I have already stopped 3 times for something the kiddos need) 

Why do we feel guilty, taking time for ourselves?
Why do we feel guilty for doing things for ourselves?!


We do NOT have to sacrifice until it hurts... us! 

Taking the time to do things for ourselves does not hurt our family! 

If we do take time to do things for ourselves... we can not properly take care of others! 

We buy a coffee and a "treat"... (5 mins of enjoyment) 
           at $5 a few times a week that adds up to $260 a year
Or we go a few times a year to get our hair done.... ( a few weeks and it fades) 
         That could run you $900 a year
Maybe you get your nails done... (get them redone every two weeks)
       at $40 every few weeks that could get up to $1K a YEAR
Or the new the new trend.... Lash extensions and you still have to get them done every few weeks
    depending on where you go you could be dropping close to $900 a year! 
All of these things are temporary fixes and mask an insecurity.... what if I challenge you to do something that changes you, how you see yourself.... FOR the REST of YOUR LIFE!! 

What if I challenge you to invest in your mindset! Learn a way to see yourself as truly BEAUTIFUL as you are! If you self caring with nails, hair, coffee etc.... you could be spend $3-4K a year! you are going to spend the $$ why not INVEST in something that changes your mindset... something to help you take steps towards self acceptance! 

What if you looked at your thighs and said, "Hey Thighs... your not so bad, sorry I was mean to you!" 
What if by doing this you set off a chain reaction that shows your children that being happy and comfortable with yourself is how to live their life! Rather than showing our daughters that is ok to talk crap about yourself... and that our sons seek comfortable confident ladies. Show them that loving themselves is good and ok! They should and they should look for that in future partners! 

Self love goes so much more than just "taking care of ourselves!" WE are RESPONSIBLE for teaching our children to love themselves! 

Step one.... ACCEPT your body as it is TODAY! 
Step two.... Care for your health and your mind often
Step three... Choose to guard your heart and your home by setting boundaries and limits 
Step four.... LOVE, choose love over anger, accept that you are not responsible for everyones opinions... let go and let God (or higher power of your belief) 
Step Five..... Commit that this year you will INVEST if things that take care of you! 

One way I suggest is taking a small portion of your tax return, that you work for all year... and have an experience. Have and experience that makes you see how amazing you look and feel! In fact! WHEN you book, we always sit down and go through all of the images, if you are dissatisfied, I will gladly return your $ and delete your images*! That is how confident I am in what I do! 

"Investment is forgotten, quality is remembered"

It is time to invest in you, if you don't believe me.... ask ANY one who has had a session! 

 *If you have not taken a picture of your picturesand this is for the day of the shoot before you leave your session. If you take photos of my computer screen and or camera, then this offer is null and void. Once you leave the studio this offer is null and void (gets to complicated)


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