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"More Than a Mom" ~ Michaela

I am 19 years old and I am a stay at home mommy to my beautiful 9 month old Greyson. Greyson is a happy little bright-eyed boy, who is impossible to not fall in love with. I am recently engaged to my high school sweet heart Drew. We are eager to encounter all of the beautiful things life has to offer our wonderful little family. 
I enjoy crafting, cooking and baking. As a family we enjoy hiking camping and going to music festivals. I am passionate advocate for breastfeeding and living a holistic as possible. Being a mother is a large portion of what makes me who I am. Our son is our world.

 Honesty, some days I am not sure what makes me more than a mom. My days are often consumed with picking up toys, cleaning, grocery shopping, cooking and changing diapers. I strive on a daily basis to be the best mother I can be for my son. It's truly amazing to me how someone so small can change life so drastically for the better. There are times that I have to take the time and remind myself to prioritize me.  As mothers, we all need to remember, you can't pour from an empty cup. We have to take care of ourselves to be able to take care of others. 

To find out more on being featured as a More than a Mom click here!!


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