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Personal acceptance in a society ruled by social media

Becoming a famous model or even a successful model isn’t about the fame, it isn’t about money… 

What is our fixation on “LIKES, Instagram followers? What does it really mean? Why do we value it? What does it represent? 

It is all about validation, that we are worthy of being loved and we are worth something? You need to understand we are worthy because we exist… we are created and are beautiful and no amount of like, shoots or congrats will fill that void inside you. Only you can decide you are good enough and that you are accepting of yourself. Taking steps to find self-acceptance is a personal journey and no one person can tell you these are the steps and you will be healed. It takes time and years and being ok with making mistakes, being ok with THIS is a journey This is why we do this. All things in life are placed in front of us so we can grow from them! Be thankful for the losses and humble in the wins and you will be a success at being a good person and that my dear friends is the purpose of life.

Make a difference in someone’s life, be the person you needed. 

Please scroll through these images and find the beauty in everyone of them, I have not touched up these images this is how this lady walked in and each one of them is beautiful and being someone they have always dreamed of being... whether that is to just do something different, adding to their portfolio, showing themselves they still "got it"or to showing themselves they sure can if they just try.... But you know what all of them are believers, dreamers and I am impressed at their ability to go for it!!! You ladies are a success!!  Thank you all for being part of my journey too. Meeting each one of you really added value to my life.


  1. I love you Jessica!
    This is so unbelievably true. Doing this has shown me a lot about myself, and how i look at myself. I feel so much more empowered and confident, and its because of you! �� So thank you, for being amazing!

  2. Thank you!! I am so thankful!! This is the reason I do all the things I do!


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