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Dear Sucky moms,

Dear Fellow mothers,

You are doing fine! I wanted to write a note to every mom whether you are working, stay at home or an empty nest mom... You are fine! The dishes aren't done, the laundry isn't caught up, the floors need to be swept, so what! NO really SO WHAT!!! It is hard to keep up with it all, it is... and it is ok to just NOT for a day. Whether you are a full time business woman, a business owner it is impossible to do everything perfect everyday, and THAT is ok!!! I used to try to keep a cleaning schedule, it was sooooo routine my one friend used to joke I couldn't go any where on Monday because she knew it was "clean sheets Monday" yes every Monday every week I would wash all the sheets in the house.

 I have taken my life back and actually now have a life by just shutting down the social media some days and sometimes by just checking out and going into the woods. I have even recently (gasp) went shopping for some clothes!!! FOR MYSELF and didn't even consider looking at children's clothing, yep!

No, my children don't think mom hates them because of these things... I feel as though I am setting a healthy relationship with them letting them know mom is a person, I have thing I like to do, I have friends who are not their friends moms!!! YEAH you can do that, you don't have to hang out with women just because your children like their children!!!

What I want to get across to everyone reading this, is it is ok all of it!! It is ok to let the dishes go for a day, it is ok to not bake fresh cookies, it really is ok give yourself a break and let yourself be
imperfect and be OK with that....

With love,
the imperfect mom, the imperfect photographer, the imperfect editor, the imperfect daughter, the imperfect wife, the imperfect writer, the imperfect PERSON,



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