Why do I say I only shoot one thing? Why don't I do weddings AND High School Seniors AND newborns AND children... Wouldn't that make me WAY more successful? No, I can honestly say that shooting more, to me, does not make me more successful. Any photographer who truly understands the art of photography and not just taking pictures knows there are certain lenses and lighting that works best for each situation. There are unique posing styles that work best for each genre. To attempt to do every style of photography to the highest potential boggles my brain at the level of classes and lenses and particularly intimate knowledge of EVERY trend, in every genre.. the amount of research and retraining that I would go through yearly would hardly leave time for shooting. I have agreed to a few newborn sessions and I am doing a few High school seniors this year as always. But, I am a boudoir photographer. The details involved in a session are pain staking planned...