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No longer on the Down Low...

This is something I generally keep on the down low, but I am so open I decided to share. 

Over the past year, I have began to increasingly get more and more messages from direct sales businesses about how amazing their product is. I get it, that is what social networking is for. What I hope you all understand is that the past year I have gotten NO less than 3 offers a week, every week! I am excited for everyone pursuing their passion and I have events for everyone to get together and network, WWW women with wine events quarterly! I love working with individuals and making things happen! But I can not personally fund everyone's dreams, passions, events, products, great ideas and newest and greatest trend... make up, weight loss, shake, pill, patch, cream.... etc.

Which is why I am writing this blog, I DO work with businesses, and here are a few options!

  • In marketing it is called a "personal endorsement". There are a few businesses that I do have personal endorsements agreements with. I also only endorse a product that I absolutely love and match my personal brand.  If you are interested in finding out about personal endorsements feel free to send me a private message on IG, Facebook or by phone 716-969-0005. rates begin at $50.
  • YOU can come into the studio and learn from me. I am offering a workshop this spring 2018 for businesses who would like to learn a few tricks to take better photos of their product, whether that is make up or a jar of lotion/ potion, make up or art. We will also touch on "building your brand" Here is a link to that workshop, cost is $50.  Workshop
  • I can also do product photography and brand building for you, if you would like more information on these subjects again feel free to message me on Facebook, IG or by phone 716-969-0005 rates begin at $100. 
If you are wondering why I would feel as though I can charge for these services... ask yourself why you messaged me in the first place?

You probably messaged me because:
  1. you see the work I have done with other businesses
  2. you see the response I have on my post
  3. you have seen the turn out at our events
  4. you see the quality of my work and respect it
  5. if none of those, then you feel as though I have $ to spend and you want me to buy your product, which means you at least identify that I have some level of success in the above mentioned categories. 
Once again I am not messaging businesses and asking them to pay me for their endorsement, I have begun this as a result of numerous messages I get daily. 


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