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Some of my thoughts on boudoir Part #2

 This is a blog a long time coming, why do I do what I do? What makes a conservative Christian women gush over boudoir... like I was selling on social media marketing?! (lol)  Come on take a joke! :)

This is my perspective on boudoir and why EVERY women SHOULD do a session!

Whether you believe it or not I truly believe that every women is beautiful, she may not have the make up and hair artist everyday, along with stylist, poise instructors.

You know it used to be that we were confronted of images of beautiful women in the check out lines, as we stood there with our hair a disaster, old sweat pants and maybe wearing some dollar store make up (if it had been a good month) looking over our shopping and wondering if we have over spent... mean while these "gorgeous" models are there also look stunning and lovely  judging me as I grab a candy bar. But now a days we end up with images on our social media, commercials, TV of beautiful women young and still have their "healthy glow" and constant "health tips" saying try a healthy snack of a hand full of nuts.... yep, I do that... mine are just covered in chocolate and have candy coating that only melts in my mouth not in my hand. I have been bigger and I have been thinner but I have never accepted myself as much as I do right now.  Unfortunately, this constant flow from our phone, magazines, and television can affect how we see ourselves and maybe even tear away at our self value. Maybe you haven't been told you are beautiful and loved... YOU are!

Boudoir photography in my studio focuses on self acceptance and seeing yourself as beautiful as you truly are, as beautiful as you were created. I encourage each women to be a major part in deciding how our session is styled. During your session you can wear lingerie or even a cute outfit... the focus isn't about the clothing but about how you feel when you wear the outfit. When we begin planning your session we not only talk about what you do like about yourself and maybe what you feel self conscious about. I don't like to over edit a women, but I do like to show you a few poses that focus on what you love most about you and that discreetly disguise our less than favorable features. Self acceptance doesn't always mean I love every part of me, it is just this is me... as I am as I am created and as I am loved by my family... that is acceptance.

No women walks into my studio and say "man I am hot, I love every bit of my body" they just don't! We are all worried about a "few pounds", we are all concerned about "the thighs, the chin".... these photos are NOT about those few pounds or about our thighs... they ARE a statement of this is me, I am beautiful and I am NOT perfect nor do I need to be I am ok and accept myself and love myself.

 Many women come in wanting a gift for their husband or husband to be, but the session ends up being the biggest gift for them self.

 If you would like to talk to one of my clients about their experience please feel free to message me or call me 716-969-0005


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